Healthy Churches; Playing Our Part

We all have a vision for what things can be. But the question should really be asked, what are we doing to be able see that vision come true. It has been 7 months since I came to First Reformed Church, and I know that we all have a vision for a healthy church that is impacting the world. But what is our part in that?

The church is long past the days to open the doors and expect people to come, let alone just expect that Christians to go to church because they want when they can get podcasts, sermons, and worship online or on a tv where they can choose what they want to listen to and they can pick their worship style. It’s a catered faith that focuses on themselves.

The time for churches to be reaching out is now, because if the focus is not outward then no one on the outside is going to want to come. I can hear your response, “Well then they must not have a strong faith if they won’t come to church if we don’t have _____________ (insert biggest “new" complaint here). And I agree with you, a Christian shouldn’t be put off from a church because they are or not doing something specific. But this leads to a whole other debate.

Yes, you are right, these things shouldn’t put off Christians from coming to church, but that is not the issue. The issue is, we are not interested in attracting Christians into our church. Christians will want to go to church, whether that is our church or another church, but at least they will be going to a church. Again, I say, we should not be focused on bringing Christians into our church. We should be discipling in a way that we are part of the mission of God that is bringing people into the kingdom. We are called to make disciples, not be a clubhouse or country club for Christians. A hospital is for those trained to help those who are sick, not give lollipops to those in perfect health. Get the picture?

What is our church doing to welcome new people, and not even that, what is our church doing in order to witness to people? Opening the doors, being friendly, and offering coffee is not the answer. What are we doing to invite people? Signs, flyers, radio ads, are not the answer. That can be a part of it, but that is still the old model of, build it and they will come. People will not just come, but have to feel welcome before they even set foot into a new place.

What is your part in the church’s mission? Hint: being friendly is not the whole answer. Being critical of the church, the pastor, other people in the church, how church finances get spent, negativity is cancer in the church. It spreads and the best way to get rid of it is to cut it off.

My main point. The church won’t be healthy just because you want it to. A healthy church isn’t just one that proclaims the gospel of the kingdom of God, but one that listens and actually does it. I know that the church’s focus is one that people think that we need to be growing. Growth is not a sign of healthy, but healthy churches do grow the kingdom. A healthy church needs people who know their part, what they can do, and know what they have done that has hurt the mission. If what we are wanting, doing, or demanding is stopping people from coming to Christ, then pray that our motivations are set on things from above rather than our own wills. Only then, will you find your part in the mission of God. Sacrificing yourself (desires and preferences) for others. As Christ sacrificed for you. Live the gospel, live healthy.


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