Modern Christianity

The world is changing, and there is no doubt about it, but the most disturbing to me is how Christianity has evolved. I can live with a president that I don't agree with. I know the true king who sits on the throne, and God will lead the people of this nation who follow him. I may fear for my country, but isn't our hope in Jesus? I will mourn for the tragedies that happen in the world, and I will pray, "Come quickly, Jesus." Our world is changing and it can be scary at times, but our strength comes from God.

But the thing that scares me the most is the type of Christianity that we are coming to. One such realization came with an interview with Donald Trump. Now I am not saying I dislike Trump, I am not saying I like him, and I am not saying to vote for him or not. I am talking about his faith, and what he is passing of as Christianity.

To read the full interview follow this link:

Thomas even asked The Donald, “Who do you say Jesus is?” Here’s what he said:
Jesus to me is somebody I can think about for security and confidence. Somebody I can revere in terms of bravery and in terms of courage and, because I consider the Christian religion so important, somebody I can totally rely on in my own mind.

This cannot be satisfying to Christians. This cannot be an acceptable representation of the Christian faith. Jesus is not someone we look to for our own bravery and courage, we see him humbly come down from his throne on high in order to be executed on a cross. We do not seek Jesus for our security and confidence, we see Jesus as the one who brings us back into the relationship with our Creator which sin destroyed. Christians should not see our religion as important, but our faith is vital for our entire being. Jesus is not someone we can "totally rely on," but is our savior in which we place our hope.

I pray that Christians do not stand idle by when our faith is misrepresented. I pray that we do not allow this man to speak for all Christians. I pray that we seek a relationship with our Creator rather than say we have faith simply to have peace of mind. That is not a faith that spreads good news to the world, but hordes it for our own comfort.

The good news of the Gospel is not simply good news for the church, it is AMAZING news for the world.


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